By Lisa Marie Harmon
When to the darkness of the night she finds
herself resigned,
It’s time to rest and let the Lord renew
her tired mind.
And so she lays her weary head upon the
pillow, soft.
The worries of her day, in prayer, she
sweetly sends aloft.
Tomorrow is another day with troubles in
Tonight she feels the Peace she knows she
doesn't dare deserve.
This Peace, it comes from just one source,
the Name Above All Names.
the Name Above All Names.
It washes all her sins away and swallows
all her shames.
It fills her thoughts with gratitude; it
fills her soul with joy,
A happiness no truth can shake, no
circumstance destroy.
Her life has not been easy; she has known
her share of pain.
But every night, this Peace, it comes, and
in her heart it reigns.
The pillow’s feeling softer now; the
comforter is warm.
Her eyes are growing heavier; her dreams
are taking form.
But just before she falls asleep, a smile
crosses her face.
For she’s received the Promise of His never
ending Grace.
And In His Grace she knows she will find
all the Strength she must,
To rise upon the morrow and that day, to
Him, she’ll trust.