Katelynn carved these two pumpkins.

This one is ClaireAnna's. She did it mostly by herself with a little help from Dad.

Ted and the girls ALWAYS make a Gingerbread house for Christmas. This year they found one for Halloween too!
Josh and Lily, ClaireAnna and Cole. ( Lily's nephew) Oh..and Max.

This was Cole's first time ever trick or treating. Lily had told him she was going to take him "Trick or Treating". So when the time finally came, he walked up to all the doors, rang the bells and said, "Trick or Treating!"

Josh and Lily were such good sports. They walked the whole neighborhood with Claire and Cole and I in these hilarious costumes and got rave reviews from everyone on the streets.

Josh has rented a great new house with some roommates and invited us to come over and trick or treat in his new neighborhood. We had chili and hot apple cider and Kate made cupcakes and brownies. Dad and Kate stayed home to answer the door while the rest of us went out with the kids. It was a super fun night.
pretty sure you need to update!!!