Rabbit Show
Tuesday, 5:00 PM
ClaireAnna showed all the Lionheads this year. She won 1st and 2nd Senior Buck, 1st and 2nd Senior Doe, Best of Breed with "Lily" and Best Opposite to Breed with "Hagrid" !
Poultry Show
Wednesday, 10:00 AM
Each of the girls showed several chickens and waterfowl. ClaireAnna won Reserve Champion Cockerel with her little Serema and 2nd place with a pair of Muscovy ducks. Kate won Reserve Champion Other Fowl with her African Goose.
Meat Goat Show
Wednesday, 2:00 PM
ClaireAnna showed two goats; a market goat doe and a breed class 0-6 month old doe. Her market goat, "Grace" won Grand Champion! This is the biggest win in the goat show and we were SO excited, especially because we had bred this doe and owned her dam and sire and there were some pretty big name show goat people in the competition! Grace went on to win the "bred and owned" class for any age goat up against some really nice older does. "Shiloh" won her age class and third breed doe over all.
This is ClaireAnna presenting her Grand Champion Market Goat to the local business men for "Auction" She got $310!
Market Hog Show
Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Kate really worked hard with her hog this year. She fed him right and let him run often for exercise. We felt going in that she had a good chance to place high. We had no idea he would win his class and Reserve Champion Hog! Yay! Great Job, Kate!
Kate "sold" her hog at the market sale for $600!
Cattle Show
Thursday, 2:00 PM
Kate helped her friend show some of her cattle and then she showed her market steer. Kate's steer this year was too young. We knew he was going to be small, but her was all we had after Ted forgot to hold back a weanling from the spring before! Anyway, "Ben" came in last place, even though he was very well behaved. :) We'll fatten him up for the next 2 months and butcher him in November.
4-H Dance
Friday night after the Market Sale.
A DJ plays and EVERYBODY dances, kids age 2 to 20 and parents too! This year, ClaireAnna was having so much fun, I let her stay to the end, about 12:00 PM. Friday night, the older kids stay the night in the cattle barn. Kate stayed. Claire and I went home.
Dog Show
Saturday, 10:00 PM
See previous post for full report on the dog show and a picture of ClaireAnna winning Cloverbud High Point for the 4th year in a row!
4-H Olympics.
Saturday, 1:00 PM
All the kids are separated into age groups. The seniors and divided into 6 teams. Then the juniors are added. Then the peewees, so all the teams are even. Each team has to complete a course with obstacles and challenges. The team with the best time wins. This year, ClaireAnna was on the winning team.
Sat. 7:00 PM after the Awards Ceremony.
This is the last event before pack up and go home. The meat is provided and we all bring sides or desserts. It's a wonderful time with wonderful friends.
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