Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fat, Fuzzy Mamas

Goat kids are due the first week of January!!! All our mamas are getting fat!
IMG_3647Thacia (above) has twins or triplets each year. But she lost one of her teats in an injury and will only be able to feed a single kid, so we are milking Allie the dairy goat and freezing her milk. Claire will surely have a bottle baby this year, but at least feeding it will be free. Powdered milk replacer costs a fortune!
IMG_3650This is either Cheetah, Lola or Misty. I can’t tell them apart anymore.
IMG_3656 Brook, on the left, with a beautiful, full belly. She was born here and this will be her second kidding. She’s half dairy and has the cutest kids with mottled dairy goat ears! They will sell quickly. Grace is in the center. Grace was our 2009 Grand Champion Market Goat. We bred her to a fancy show buck this year and can’t wait to see what her kids are like!
IMG_3658 Again, either Cheetah, Lola or Misty. They are triplets and look too much alike! Claire knows who’s who though.
IMG_3659This is Jasper, the Nubian dairy goat buckling, trying to get some attention.

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